Volunteer Times for youth tourney

13 Feb 2020 by Christine Nienaber

Thank you to all that volunteered to help at the youth tournament this Saturday!
Jobs and times to report as follows:

Table Workers – Report at 8:30
Shealyn Bruflodt
Don Kolhoff
Keith Ellingson
Kohl family
Bishman family

Concessions – Report at 7:30 to 10:30
Bob Miller
Martha Davidson

Concessions – Report at 10:30 to end
Sharon and Myah Marshall
Alison Olson

Reminder that volunteers get into the tournament for free and will have a fantastic lunch provided, but you must be signed up ahead of time to be on the entry list. If you would still like to sign up, please comment below. If you signed up at the youth info table for another position, you are already on their list.

If anyone is able to help with set up Friday night, they will begin after the basketball game is over, probably around 8:30/9 pm.

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